Sunday, July 22, 2012

Silver Lake, Michigan

Every 4th of July we make a trip up to Michigan to see Dennis' family. This time we actually got to spend a few days at Silver Lake.
 The sunset was beautiful!
 Caitlin played in the water and went tubing on Uncle Dan's boat.
Hailey played in the sand and rode on the boat. She isn't quite strong enough to go tubing yet, but next year she will.
This was  our little oasis in the sand.
 Oh look! Is that David Hasselhoff? No, that's Uncle Erik!
Here is David Hasselhoff! (Connor was a such a big help. He helped port the boat out because the water was so shallow near the shore.)
 Hailey also decided to get her ears pierced. Aunt Stefanie hooked her up with a special numbing cream, so she wouldn't feel a thing, but she was very nervous. She even said "I changed my mind" and got a little teary eyed :-( She went through with it and got cute little pink starfish.
 Here is a picture of the infamous Aunt Stefanie in cognito with the girls...uh...I mean guys.
Aunt Stefanie, A.K.A the Ambassador of Goodwill, continued to spoil the girls by allowing them to accompany her on her float during the 4h of July parade in Portland, MI.
 Hailey helped prepare the fruit had a green grape smiley face.
 We saw this car as we headed home....Not sure what to say about that...
Uncle Dan is that your car?!

We were all sad to go, but we will be up there again really soon.
We have a special occasion to celebrate in November. Dennis' mom, Carolyn, is having a very special Birthday!!

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