Saturday, July 21, 2012

Say Cheese!

Today we went to Standing Stones Farm in Gallatin and learned how to make cheese. I took a bunch of pictures and had a really hard time deciding which ones to use! 
 Dennis was not interested in the goats, but this little cat came right up to him, talking to him just like our little Johnny Ringo does at home. We need to start calling Dennis the "Cat Whisperer"! Lol!
 This is Paula Butler, she did an amazing job keeping the kids entertained and teaching them about cheese all at the same time. Did you know that cheese was thought to have been discovered when a nomad carried milk across the desert in a container made from an animal's stomach? He discovered the milk had been separated into curd and whey by the rennet from the stomach.
 These are the curds.
 This is the whey.
 The girls also made butter, it was creamy and delicious!
 Hailey said, "This is the best day ever!" She couldn't wait to taste the cheese.
 The kids each got to pull the mozerella while it was hot.
 Hailey wasn't to sure if she liked milking...Caitlin thought it was just plain weird.
 Everybody tried milking the goats except for Dennis. Dennis prefered talking to Kitty Bitty.
 The goats loved chewing on Caitlin's shirt ties...
 But they also LOVED animal crackers!
 I had to post this picture...just look at that cute little face!
 Before going to the farm, Hailey read that goats love to snack on poison ivy. This one was trying to get the last little bit off that tree.
 Look at these 2 cute goats!
At the end, I caught Hailey walking with one of the baby goats, she was worried that he was wandering off to far from the others. She is so sweet and compassionate. I am so blessed that both of my girls are.

We had such a great time! Thank you Paula, for an amazing day at the farm!

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