Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Stitch Witchery~~~~~~~ "Pilgrim style"

Isn't she cute?
Caitlin needed a costume for Colonial Children's Day at school tomorrow. So, I hooked her up with a little black dress (Dennis actually took her to Goodwill and found one. I know....very impressive), white fabric, and ribbon and then stitch witched it up! My sewing machine, unfortunately, needs some maintenance and a good cleaning.....but we'll worry about that later. We'll definitely be saving this little garb for when Hailey has Colonial Days too!

Dennis also helped her make some sea biscuit to take in too. It's kinda like a cracker that they use to eat way back when. Yumm!!

1 comment:

  1. Look at you updating your blog twice in one month! hehe
    She IS cute! But we already knew that! AND save that little costume for me too! :)
    Are you sure Dennis didn't teach her how to make something else...oh...IDK..like something on a shingle...? :)
