Friday, July 22, 2011

Caitlin's 10!

We celebrated at Sparkling Tiara.

They provided everything for the party...I didn't have to do a thing...phew!

The girls got all dressed up.....cute shoes....Hailey picked these out!

Caitlin getting her hair done. Jessica did a great job with her hair!

All the girls got movie star treatment.

Love these shoes! But I can also wait a few years before I see the heels again...

All dressed up and ready for their fashion show!

Happy Birthday Caitlin! You are beautiful, smart, amazing, and we love you!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Swim, Bike, Run!!!

My little triathlete, Caitlin, did amazing this weekend at the Nashville Kids Triathlon!
It was such a hot day, but she went out and did her best at her first triathlon!
We all cheered her on, decorated her swim cap, and even Hailey got to have Caitlin's race# marked on her arms too. Grandma and Grandpa were also there!
We can't wait for the next one!
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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

      Pink Felt


Today Apa had his back surgery (on Valentine's Day!). Awa texted me earlier and said everything went fine and he was in recovery. Who knew Awa could text! The girls and I will say a little prayer for Apa tonight and that Daddy gets home safely. Dennis is in Tullahoma this week for we'll have to plan for our special night out on the town later this week! Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Flashback photo friday ~ 2005

This picture was taken at Grandma and Grandpa's old house in Old Hickory. Hailey was almost 3 years old here and helping Grandpa with his gardening...hehehe....maybe they were washing windows too. You didn't talk much back then but could sign almost a hundred words, like grapes, apples, cookies, all of your colors, and even the word silly. You were one smart cookie and are still one! You never cease to amaze me my little Hailey Bug!

Friday, January 28, 2011

"Flash back" Photo Friday!

Your first Day of Kindergarten! August 4th, 2006

One last great big hug from ducky and your blanky and you were ready to go.
You weren't even nervous.

Hailey wasn't very happy to leave her Sissy
and it didn't help that Mommy was
a little teary eyed too.
Your first day was a big success and Hailey and I survived.
We are so proud of you. I can't believe you are in 4th grade now!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Stitch Witchery~~~~~~~ "Pilgrim style"

Isn't she cute?
Caitlin needed a costume for Colonial Children's Day at school tomorrow. So, I hooked her up with a little black dress (Dennis actually took her to Goodwill and found one. I know....very impressive), white fabric, and ribbon and then stitch witched it up! My sewing machine, unfortunately, needs some maintenance and a good cleaning.....but we'll worry about that later. We'll definitely be saving this little garb for when Hailey has Colonial Days too!

Dennis also helped her make some sea biscuit to take in too. It's kinda like a cracker that they use to eat way back when. Yumm!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Organizing 2011

This is my boring entryway into my home.

I put up some drawer pulls for hooks.

And Voila!!

I have been wanting to put up some hooks for the girls' backpacks since they started school and today I finally did it! The girls were at a party and the hubs was out gun shopping so I finally had some time to get exactly what I wanted for this little project. I love the way it looks and it's functional and that's what is it was super easy. It's amazing how little things can make you so happy. This year we're getting organized!

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Inseperables.

I finally talked the girls into letting me put ducky and big doggy into the washing machine. It had been forever since we last washed them!! I tied them up in a pillowcase and away they went....gentle cycle of course. I am just happy they washed well....I would have been devastated if something had happened to them! These 2 stuffed animals have been part of the family almost as long as the girls.

Ducky was a gift from Dad when he returned from a deployment to the Sinai and Big doggy was given to Caitlin for her first Birthday by Uncle Joe and Aunt Pany.....not sure how Hailey ended up with her....but these 2 are inseparable. Another cute factoid, Dennis can't give bedtime tuck-ins without wrapping up ducky and giving her a kiss too. Caitlin wouldn't have it any other way! LOL!!