Monday, November 15, 2010

Here they are! Family pictures!

The Davis Family.



What can I say...I am truly blessed with an amazing family. I have 2 Beautiful girls: 1 with a passion for drama and 1 with a very witty sense of humor and I have a husband who speaks an entirely different language than I do most times. Sometimes I can make out "make me a sammich" but then other times I am clueless. What matters, though, is that I feel loved. Whether it's when one of my girls hands me a stress ball, or climbs into our bed in the middle of the night, or even when hubby grabs me up in his "vulcan love grip," (I told you he speaks a different language....who says that?) I am loved and am in love with my amazing family!

1 comment:

  1. They are so cute! I love them too! Bring on the frames! :)
