Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hailey's Lab! Happy 8th Birthday!

Happy Birthday Hailey! My little scientist gave me the perfect party theme to work with. This party was so much fun to plan. Caitlin only ranked it a 9 out of 10 on the party scale (she said "the treat bags were weak".....I didn't put a ton of candy in them, because last week was Halloween!) I think it was a great success! Hailey said she "partied like it was know....where the hippies are!" LOL. We had a lime green chocolate fountain AKA nuclear slime and my favorite, jello petri dishes with gummy critters! The kids had so much fun making snow, worms, and elephants toothpaste! I can't wait to plan the next party....Caitlin mentioned maybe a CSI theme!

1 comment:

  1. That was GREAT party! Good job! :) I love the collage! You should send it to The Birthday Blog.
