Monday, November 15, 2010

Here they are! Family pictures!

The Davis Family.



What can I say...I am truly blessed with an amazing family. I have 2 Beautiful girls: 1 with a passion for drama and 1 with a very witty sense of humor and I have a husband who speaks an entirely different language than I do most times. Sometimes I can make out "make me a sammich" but then other times I am clueless. What matters, though, is that I feel loved. Whether it's when one of my girls hands me a stress ball, or climbs into our bed in the middle of the night, or even when hubby grabs me up in his "vulcan love grip," (I told you he speaks a different language....who says that?) I am loved and am in love with my amazing family!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hailey's Lab! Happy 8th Birthday!

Happy Birthday Hailey! My little scientist gave me the perfect party theme to work with. This party was so much fun to plan. Caitlin only ranked it a 9 out of 10 on the party scale (she said "the treat bags were weak".....I didn't put a ton of candy in them, because last week was Halloween!) I think it was a great success! Hailey said she "partied like it was know....where the hippies are!" LOL. We had a lime green chocolate fountain AKA nuclear slime and my favorite, jello petri dishes with gummy critters! The kids had so much fun making snow, worms, and elephants toothpaste! I can't wait to plan the next party....Caitlin mentioned maybe a CSI theme!


Halloween was so much fun. The girls are growing up fast and we're having to pick up the pace as we chase them down the street trick or treating!