Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

      Pink Felt


Today Apa had his back surgery (on Valentine's Day!). Awa texted me earlier and said everything went fine and he was in recovery. Who knew Awa could text! The girls and I will say a little prayer for Apa tonight and that Daddy gets home safely. Dennis is in Tullahoma this week for we'll have to plan for our special night out on the town later this week! Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Flashback photo friday ~ 2005

This picture was taken at Grandma and Grandpa's old house in Old Hickory. Hailey was almost 3 years old here and helping Grandpa with his gardening...hehehe....maybe they were washing windows too. You didn't talk much back then but could sign almost a hundred words, like grapes, apples, cookies, all of your colors, and even the word silly. You were one smart cookie and are still one! You never cease to amaze me my little Hailey Bug!